Celebration Dinner (Finale)

Celebration Dinner (Finale) – Friday night update! This is the issue 500, closing this chapter! Now I’ll take some vacation days, to finish some business (a DnD game and additional assets for my MSX game), and then I’ll be back with the next chapter.

Good night everyone!

Celebration Dinner (Part 3)

Celebration Dinner (Part 3) – We’re back here, with a night at the Toreros. That place is a “restaurant for groups”, with cheap food, cheap beer, and a tourist trap and Erasmus students. Every time we sold the magazines we went to that place because they let us to do some fuzz… until we did too much and they kicked us from there. So we didn’t go back, and looked for ther place (e.g. El Puma or the Merendero Campechano). Once older we settled at the Salamanca, where we’re returning after the pandemic.

The Debate for Moskovskaia

The Debate for Moskovskaia – Hello hello! This issue is 3 days late, because it took more efforts that I though (even being that simple), and because I’ve been working in the “MisadventureMay” (you can check my Twitter @SenseTomaquet).

The debate happened, but the machines remained in their place. But things didn’t end there.