Preparations (Part 1) – Here we are, after having this new strip ready, describing real stuff… more or less… Bill appeared with a robe and a ZIP Drive in his neck, bringing the stuff.
We keep going towards FestaFIB!
A computable Story from the FIB
Preparations (Part 1) – Here we are, after having this new strip ready, describing real stuff… more or less… Bill appeared with a robe and a ZIP Drive in his neck, bringing the stuff.
We keep going towards FestaFIB!
Morning Boy – Good night! I’m here again, with another comic strip. I’ve been all Easter (actually, the official holiday days) in the mountains, with the goats and without Internets.
Here you have some Roy stuff!
Celebration Dinner (Finale) – Friday night update! This is the issue 500, closing this chapter! Now I’ll take some vacation days, to finish some business (a DnD game and additional assets for my MSX game), and then I’ll be back with the next chapter.
Good night everyone!
Celebration Dinner (Part 4) -Tuesday night update! how are things going around the world? Locked at home again? (Here we’re locked in the city, and at home in a few days). Meanwhile, here I leave you some new strip!
Celebration Dinner (Part 3) – We’re back here, with a night at the Toreros. That place is a “restaurant for groups”, with cheap food, cheap beer, and a tourist trap and Erasmus students. Every time we sold the magazines we went to that place because they let us to do some fuzz… until we did too much and they kicked us from there. So we didn’t go back, and looked for ther place (e.g. El Puma or the Merendero Campechano). Once older we settled at the Salamanca, where we’re returning after the pandemic.
Celebration Dinner (Part 1) – Hello again! Another week, another strip. This time with the traditional dinner after selling all the magazines with profits!
Market Dangers – Hello and welcome another week! Here’s another real story about the weird people of the Campus, 10 years ago. The guy that dared to do this to the magazine’s vice-president’s girlfriend was expelled from every association, for being an idiot. Good night!
The Enclosed Society – Hello, hello! How are things doing? Everyone safe at home, with air conditioned? (It’s being unusually hot these days, even for summer!) Today I bring you another strip, this time from home. Bye!
Werdley Map (Reprise) – OK, I don’t know if today’s comic is plain weird or simply stupid. If anybody gets the reference, I’ll be worth the effort. I’m on vacation and I wanted to experiment a little bit. I promise that the next week everything will go back to normal (if there’s such a thing as “normal”). Sorry!
Werdley Map – Hello hello! A late night update! Today we have Wardhog maps, as a friend of ours got totally obsessed with them. Good night!